Di seguito alcuni link a siti web che riteniamo utili per ottenere informazioni, strumenti, novità , aggiornamenti… importanti, inerenti la professione di Psicologo:
CNOP – Consiglio Nazionale dell’Ordine degli Psicologi; l’istituzione che rappresenta l’ordine degli Psicologi sul piano nazionale ed europeo (www.psy.it)
Ordini degli Psicologi regionali e provinciali (www.psy.it/consigli-regionali-e-provinciali)
ENPAP – Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza per gli Psicologi (www.enpap.it)
Academy for Eating Disorders (www.aedweb.org)
American Academy of Counseling Psychology (www.aacop.us)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (www.aacap.org)
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (www.theaacn.org)
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (www.aapl.org)
American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry (www.aapdp.org)
American Association of Community Psychiatrists (www.communitypsychiatry.org)
American Board of Professional Psychology (www.abpp.org)
American Psychiatric Association (www.psychiatry.org)
American Psychiatric Nurses Association (www.apna.org)
American Psychoanalytic Association (www.apsa.org)
American Psychological Association (www.apa.org)
Anxiety and Depression Association of America (www.adaa.org)
Archives of the History of American Psychology (www.uakron.edu/chp)
Asociacion Psicoanalitica de Buenos Aires (www.apdeba.org)
Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (www.aabt.org)
Association for Behavior Analysis International (www.abainternational.org)
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (www.theassc.org)
Association for Psychological Science (www.psychologicalscience.org)
Association for Transpersonal Psychology (www.atpweb.org)
Association of Black Psychologists (www.abpsi.org)
Australian Psychological Society (www.psychology.org.au)
Australian Clinical Psychology Association (www.acpa.org.au)
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (www.psychologycouncil.org.au)
Behavior Analyst Certification Board (www.bacb.com)
Behavior Genetics Association (www.bga.org)
B. F. Skinner Foundation (www.bfskinner.org)
British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (www.babcp.com)
British Psychoanalytic Council (www.bpc.org.uk)
British Psychological Society (www.bps.org.uk)
Canadian Psychological Association (www.cpa.ca)
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies (www.behavior.org)
Environmental Design Research Association (www.edra.org)
European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (www.eaohp.org)
European Foundation for Psychologists and Analysts (www.efpa.be)
European Federation of Psychology Teachers’ Associations (www.efpta.org)
Experimental Psychology Society (www.eps.ac.uk)
FABBS – Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences Foundation (www.fabbsfoundation.org)
Fédération Belge des Psychologues (www.bfp-fbp.be/fr)
Finnish Psychological Society (www.psykologienkustannus.fi/sps/seurasta/index.htm)
German Psychological Society (www.dgps.de)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (www.hfes.org)
Houston Psychological Association (psychologyhouston.org)
Hong Kong Association of Doctors in Clinical Psychology (www.hkadcp.org.hk)
Institute for Psychological Study of the Arts (www.clas.ufl.edu/ipsa/intro.htm)
Institute of Professional Psychologists (www.propsy.org)
Institute of Psychoanalysis (www.psychoanalysis.org.uk)
International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (www.fit.edu/CampusLife/clubs-org/iaccp)
International Association of Applied Psychology (www.iaapsy.org)
International Council of Psychologists (www.icpweb.org)
International Early Intervention in Mental Health (www.iepa.org.au)
International Honor Society in Psychology (www.psichi.org)
International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health (http://psychotherapy.psiedu.ubbcluj.ro)
International Psychoanalytic Association (www.ipa.org.uk)
International School Psychology Association (www.ispaweb.org)
International Society for Comparative Psychology (www.comparativepsychology.org)
International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (www.issbd.org)
International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (www.issidorg.com)
International Society for Intelligence Research (www.isironline.org)
International Society for Research on Aggression (www.israsociety.com)
International Society of Political Psychology (www.ispp.org)
International Congress of Infant Studies (www.infantstudies.org)
International Transpersonal Association (www.transpersonalassociation.com)
International Union of Psychological Science (www.iupsys.net)
International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health (www.psychotherapy.ro)
Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy (www.mghcme.org)
National Association for Research Therapy of Homosexuality (www.narth.com)
North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (www.alfredadler.org)
Organizzazione di Psicoanalisti Italiani Federazione e Registro (www.opiferpsicoanalisti.org)
Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (www.who.int/en)
Open University Psychological Society (www.oups.org.uk)
Plega: Sport Psychology (www.plega.co.uk)
Psychonomic Society (www.psychonomic.org)
Psychological Society of Ireland (www.psihq.ie)
Singapore Psychological Society (www.singaporepsychologicalsociety.org)
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (www.siop.org)
Society for Research in Child Development (www.srcd.org)
Swedish Psychological Society (www.psykologforbundet.se)
World Federation for Mental Health (www.wfmh.com)